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Smell the Magic this holiday season with The Columbia Fragrance Co.!

Experience the enchantment of the holiday season with The Columbia Fragrance Co. Share the joy of fragrance with our diverse range of options, from candles to home fragrance oils. Let the scents transport you to cherished moments from past vacations, or discover a new and distinctive fragrance that everyone can relish.

Top Gifts

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Shop By Price

Under $35.png__PID:690874cf-17e7-4144-9d79-3a64fe60f301
Under $75.png__PID:74cf17e7-a144-4d79-ba64-fe60f301d9e5
Under $200.png__PID:17e7a144-dd79-4a64-be60-f301d9e56816

Can't Decide?

Let your giftee decide what works best with a gift card from The Columbia Fragrance Co. 

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